21 Days | June 10th – 30th | 10-15 Minutes/Day
Let’s join together to support each other to become the best version of ourselves.
HUGE PRIZES to be won!
Join us for 10-15 minutes of daily activity in our 21-Day Challenge to boost your metabolism, increase energy levels and mental focus and get your body ready for the summer so you can sizzle!

1st– $200 Cadillac Fairview gift card
2nd -$100 Roots Canada gift card
3rd– $50 Healthy Plantet gift card

1) 25 Diamond Push Ups
2) 40 Bodyweight Squats
3) 60 Mountain Climbers
(20x straight, 20x to the side, 20x alternating twist)
4) 35 Supermans
5) 25 Burpees
6) 30 Canonball Sit Ups
7) 20 Alternating Leg Raises
One Set OF Everything. That’s All. 12-15 Minutes.
You WILL Feel The Burn.

- To join email info@gtafitt.ca stating your in!
- You will recieve a link to a shared google sheet that must be filled out everyday with your total points for the day.
- 10 Points everytime you complete 1 set to a maximum of 30 points a day
- 2 Points are deducted from your total for everyday you do not complete at least 1 round
- 3 points awareded each week for providing a picture of yourself doing the workout or basking in the afterglow
- If by the end of the day (midnight) your daily tally is blank, that will result in a -2 for the day.
- Let’s connect and support each other in health! The people with the most points at the end of 21 days will recieve prizes.
- Tiebreakers: 1) The participant who has missed the least amount of days, 2) The participant who has sent in the most pictures, 3) The participant who has completed the most workouts

All participants can receive a complimentary 25 min Osteopathic session over the course of the challenge.